Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Homework 12/17

Hey guys, different format tonight. Don't bother doing the quotes, questions, etc. What I want you to do is prep some questions for discussion and debate (just because I am guessing you'll have different opinions, nothing formal though) in class tomorrow.

I recommend doing an outline format, kind of like I do in class. wIth some personal notes and maybe pages to reference for quotes.

The questions are as follows and are all pertaining to Chapter 14! (previously said 15, MY BAD!!!)

Questions for discussion:

What does Hester now say about her scarlet letter to Chillingworth?
Describe Chillingworth physically.
What do we find out Dimmesdale’s true "death" is, and how does he suffer it?
Describe exactly how Chillingworth has treated Dimmesdale and why he has treated him that way.
Why has Dimmesdale increased his debt to Chillingworth?
Is Chillingworth’s argument valid about that point?
What is the final resolution between Hester and Chillingworth? Is there one?

IF you type it, it wouldn't hurt to print it out for class. If you write it in your notebook that is fine, just bring it in tomorrow for me to check.

Mr. G

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