This is the copy you want to get: The Barnes and Noble Classic Version
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Homework over Break
One long outline, like we do in class. Pick a couple of key points from each chapter, post some material, basically study material.
Don't forget secret santa!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Homework 12/17
I recommend doing an outline format, kind of like I do in class. wIth some personal notes and maybe pages to reference for quotes.
The questions are as follows and are all pertaining to Chapter 14! (previously said 15, MY BAD!!!)
Questions for discussion:
What does Hester now say about her scarlet letter to Chillingworth?
Describe Chillingworth physically.
What do we find out Dimmesdale’s true "death" is, and how does he suffer it?
Describe exactly how Chillingworth has treated Dimmesdale and why he has treated him that way.
Why has Dimmesdale increased his debt to Chillingworth?
Is Chillingworth’s argument valid about that point?
What is the final resolution between Hester and Chillingworth? Is there one?
IF you type it, it wouldn't hurt to print it out for class. If you write it in your notebook that is fine, just bring it in tomorrow for me to check.
Mr. G
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday 12/15
Hope the weekend is good.
Mr. George
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Scarlet Letter Reading Assignments
Scarlet Letter 1: 45-56
Scarlet Letter 2: 56-72
Scarlet Letter 3: 72-91
Scarlet Letter 4: 91-107
Scarlet Letter 5: 107-126
Scarlet Letter 6: 126-144
Scarlet Letter 7: 144-158
Scarlet Letter 8: 158-170
Scarlet Letter 9: 170- 185
Scarlet Letter 10: 185-202
Scarlet Letter 11: 202-221
Scarlet Letter 12: 221-235
Some themes to track leading to essays: (aka, good ideas to blog about)
Sin and Redemption (in relationship to "The Crucible")
The effects of sin
The nature of evil
Societies effect on the individual
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Writing Topic 3
1.) Describe John Proctor’s redemption. Questions to consider include: Why is he unable to be redeemed in the beginning of the play? What are key shifts that allow him to be redeemed? How is he ultimately redeemed?
2.) Describe Abigail Williams treacherous fall. Questions to consider include: Why does the audience dislike Abigail? What makes her, as opposed to the other sinners, specifically the most detestable? How is her end worse than all the other characters?
What I would like you to focus on in these essays is the human side of each of these characters? How does the author manipulate the reader into feeling certain emotions for these characters? What is it about being human that makes us feel this way?
This essay should be at least 2 pages long and no longer than 5. It should be in MLA format. I expect there to be no errors, so make sure you have someone proof read.
100 Points.
Due: Friday December 5th
To Redeem: To set free; rescue. Or: To save from sinfulness.
Treachery: Willful betrayal of trust.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving work
What i'm looking for is your in depth understanding of the characters. I want you to demonstrate that you know how they would act in certain situations and I want you to use the language they would use.
Each letter is worth 20 points for a total of 60.
As always, no errors.
Post on blogs before next Tuesday (I don't have you on Monday), and bring in a typed copy as well. (by the way, try and post it as soon as you do it, so that I can grade it a favor to me. Don't worry if you don't do it till later though).
They can be as long as you'd like, but at least a page (also keep it in the form of a letter).
Any questions, email me.
Have an outstanding thanksgiving. God bless.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Keys for essay writing
Key things for them to forget and to understand:
1.) Preparation is key.
2.) Outline at least
3.) I want their argument, I don't want to read the text again.
4.) I expect there to be no mistakes.
5.) It should be perfectly logical. Why is one paragraph where it is? Why one quote where it is? Etc.
6.) Only essential passages.
7.) Give them the writing keys.
8.) Start right away.
10.) Their brains are becoming safer, but not yet completely safe. DON’T DO LAST MINUTE OR AT 2 AM!
11.) Don't have stupid mistakes, DON’T TEST ME!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
1st Essay topic
Characters you may choose from:
Mary Warren.
The paper is to be no longer than 3 pages. Double spaced. MLA format. Due Tuesday November 25th.
PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP WITH THE CHARACTER YOU WOULD LIKE TO WRITE ABOUT!!!!! I'd prefer not to read 14 papers about the same character.
Remember, you are making an argument. There are no right or wrong answers, but your argument can certainly be better or worse!
This is your first major paper for this class, but remember, COLLEGE LEVEL WORK!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Reading Assignments Crucible
Crucible 5: 68-83
Crucible 6: 83-98
Crucible 7: 98-113
Crucible 8: 113-127
Crucible 9: 128-145
Standard assignment of 2 quotes, 2 responses and 2 questions unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
HW 11/12
Read to page 49.
Usual 2 quotations, 2 responses and 2 questions (make sure you have those written in your book as well).
Also, a list of the characters we have met so far, with information about them that will be useful in following the plot (i.e. has slept with john proctor, drank blood in the forest, danced naked....basically, she's absolutely insane!)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
HW 11/6
Assignment: 2 key quotations about the townspeople, 2 explanations of why the quotes are important, and 2 questions that can guide discussion.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday In Class/ HW
Then describe in two paragraph the background of the play that you think will be important.
(in the computer lab upstairs).
HW: Read to page 20 (halfway through where John Proctor Enters).
Write 2 quotations, an analysis of the relevance of the quotations, and two questions that can guide a discussion.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Abusive relationship brainstorm
Want to lash out at others for the pain inflicted upon me
become numb to the sensation of physical pain
walking on egg shells
living in constant fear
feel safe and afraid at the same time
constant reminder of bruises and physical pain
become all consuming
slowly distance me from all of my friends (one lie begets another...)
rely more heavily on the abusive person because everyone else is gone
sense of isolation
inability to stand up even with words
combative (verbally)
lose faith in reason
Journal Entry assignment
From the perspective of a homosexual high school student in the closet.
From the perspective of a kid who gets bullied.
From the perspective of a girl with anorexia.
From the perspective of someone with mental retardation.
From the perspective of an obese child.
From a student obsessively infatuated with a teacher.
From the perspective of a student who thinks they might be depressed.
From the perspective of the worst member of a sports team.
From the perspective of someone who is blind.
From the perspective of a pregnant girl.
From the perspective of "the new kid"
From the perspective of a kid whose parents are going through a divorce.
From the perspective of an international student.
From the perspective of someone getting cheated on by a significant other.
From the perspective of someone in an abusive relationship.
One Due each day until Friday (15 points each)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Body part to self
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ideas for Letters.
1.) As your parent to you either appreciation or disappointment
2.) Teacher/ Coach (thanking them)
3.) A letter to yourself from yourself (ten years ago)
4.) From a body part to yourself.
5.) From an animal to you
6.) From nature to humanity
7.) From God to you
8.) Entry into a journal
9.) Letter to yourself from yourself (10 years in the future)
10.) Letter to your future husband or wife.
11.) Letter asking for permission to marry future husband or wife.
12.) From any concrete (or inanimate) object to yourself
13.) Letter of diary or journal responding back to you
14.) God to Devil or Devil to God
15.) Letter found on the Titanic.
16.) Letter from mother to unborn baby
17.) From Othello to Desdemona after her death.
18.) Letter from Tupac to Biggie or vice versa.
19.) Juliette's parents to her (Romeo and Juliet)
20.) Letter from aborted baby to the mother.
Focusing on shifting perspective, setting a tone and mood of your letter, proper grammar and spelling. Emphasize shift in voice. Make appropriate for the subject.
Monday, October 20, 2008
HW Due 10/22
Friday, October 17, 2008
Finishing Intros
- Our mouths dropped and a blanket of anxiety wrapped around us. This was it.
- I could tell it was coming. Anyone could. His cold and hallow glance said it all.
- I felt paralyzed. All I could do was stare out of the window for what seemed to be eternity.
- The six a.m. phone calls stopped. Why was he doing this...
- Pieces of ripped up envelope covered the kitchen floor as the house phone rang off the hook.
5 intros.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am from a loving and affectionate family. We hug, we kiss, we embrace. Her family was cold, distant, all the things she was when we started dating. Those hands were my constant reminder of how she felt. They were my constant reminder that she did not share my affection. Her hands were my constant rejection.
Every time we drove I would take her hand. I would warm it. I hated the chill in her hands. It frightened me, it was unknown to me. I would hold her hand in mine. Our fingers intertwined, smoldering the ice with my heat.
For so long her hands were my constant reminder that she did not love me. My constant reminder that I had to grab her hand. That I had to get the chill out of her hand. That she did not love me like I loved her.
Her cold touch was like the sun rising, it happened everyday. I get in the car expecting the sun to rise like it always does. The sun did not rise this day.
She reached over, grabbed my hand, and kissed it. Her hand was warm.
Her hands were always warm after that. I had finally made her understand that I loved her. I had finally made her understand that she didn’t need to be afraid with me. I had finally showed her how comforting affection can be. Her hands were a blazing fire.
Our relationship was never the same after that. Things were perfect. She was perfect.
I never had to reach for her hand, we met in the middle. A blazing fire in the middle of the car. Her hands were my constant reassurance that she loved me. Every time I touched them I remembered. No matter how long it had been since I saw her, no matter how long it had been since I touched those hands, they always felt the same. She became perfect to me.
The problem was I wasn’t.
It is dinner time. She is over with my family. It has been a year now. I reach for the salt shaker just as she does. Our hands touch. Pure ice.
I hurt.
She just gave it to me, without reservation, without a second thought. How could I not tell her it would come to this? It always comes to this.
The shrieks are what will stay in my memory. As I walked down that hallway it was like I heard someone dying; the shrill, piercing, penetrating wail of despair. and then it hit me, it wasn't someone, it was something....
I’ve broken one heart too many, now its time for mine to crack a little.